Monday, November 17, 2008
Off the wall
Okay, Stephanie was sick a couple of weeks ago with her annual 'ring in the fall/winter' illness. In case you don't know this usually means we bump up the steroid inhaler again and go into 'winter mode'. Well, we never seem to bump the inhaler up until we realize that the nose has stopped running, but the cough just won't go away. So, once we realize this we increase her steroid and everything usually gets back to normal.
Well, I took off to mom's for a short visit to see Disney on Ice on Thursday night. I realize while in the car that Stephanie just will not stop coughing. Seems like it was getting worse to me. I then remember that I have left the house without the nebulizer or the her albuterol (rescue) inhaler...I'm not in the habit of carrying them anymore since she doesn't generally need them. So, I get a little panicked that perhaps she might need a little albuterol to help that cough and I have NONE. So, I track down our pediatrician while in the coliseum(to see Disney on Ice) and have her call the medicine in to the local pharmacy(thankfully I had the spacer with me or else I would have been out of about $60 or so). So, we start the albuterol on Thursday night and continue to give it to her three time a day thru the weekend. Now we are at Sunday afternoon where my story really begins...
While at the lunch table on Sunday, Stephanie has one foot in her chair and the other on the window sill. She will not stay still. I can't get ther to focus while I am going over her AWANA verses and she is just wild, to put it mildly. At this point I realize that all of this is from the albuterol(which I know this happens and I always forget since we rarely have to use it). The child was running thru the house, screaming, jumping all around, climbing on the window sill....come on this is so not Stephanie. Katie maybe, but not Stephanie! To top it all off when I finally figure it out I remember that the girls didn't go to sleep until 11pm on Saturday night!!!!
Somehow it all makes since at this point to me. Her cough is gone and so Chris decided that we would stop it last night. I figured that she would be good today at school and then I arrive only to find out that she was defiant and was calling names today. She called a kid a poo poo diaper because she wanted to play with someone else(In case you are wondering this came from Dennis the Mennace which I will not allow her to watch again--I didn't realize that boy was so ugly!) I'm just glad that I opened the conversation up with her teacher(who is a good friend by the way) by asking if she was wild today...I just hope that this is all medicine related!!!!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
A Reminder
We had a wonderful day today in the Lord's House. Dr. Gray Allison is with us for a revival today thru Wednesay. We will spend the entire week in the book of Jude. I didn't realize that one little book was so packed full. We only did 4 verses today!
Anyway, all that aside...We have been giving the girls an allowance(allotment as Chris calls it) each week for completing their chores. They have to put a portion in their piggy bank to save, they tithe a portion, and they have a portion to spend(or save if they wish). Stephanie is old enough to go to children's church where they take up an offering each week. She gives her tithe during that time. Since Katie is too young for children's church, we go and pick her up at the end of each service and bring her in to give her offering.(our church takes up the offering at the end).
Today, while the offering was being taken up and the praise team was singing, I saw Katie lift up her hands. You see, the praise team and other members of the congregation were lifting their hands up in praise and worship to our Lord. So, naturally Katie did what she saw them doing.
The Bible calls us to be imitators of Christ. Katie had no idea what she was doing today, but it struck me that she would just automatically do what she saw others doing. I was quickly humbled to realize that I have a very importan job to do. I must imitate Christ because my daughter is going to imitate me--Oh how often I am reminded of that in the speech and mannerisms of my girls!
I praise that Lord that even though Katie had no idea what she was doing, she is learning at a young age what it means to sing and give praise to the Lord.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
You made my day
My baby is growing up
Chris called today and wanted to talk to Stephanie. I called her downstairs and this is what happened during their conversation.
I am having a really hard time dealing with this grown-up child. I have been told since day 1 of motherhood how quickly they grow up. I guess I just didn't think that it would happen to me. My oldest has become quite a grown up girl and I am sad.
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