Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sniffing it out
This one is just too funny not to share...
On Monday when D. picked Katie up from school, Mrs. C. told her this story about Katie and told her to make sure that she shared it with us.
Apparently, Katie came up to her teacher on Monday and told her that someone was stinky and had pooped in their pants. Mrs. C. tried to contain her composure and proceeded to tell Katie to go find out who it was and to let her know. So, Katie walked around the classroom 'sniffing' all the kids until she found the culprit. She then proceeded to to just look at Mrs. C giving her the eye that the 'stinkiness' had been found.
Yes, that would be my Katie.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Katie's first week of Cubbies
Ok. We have embarke.d upon a new year of AWANA. Stephanie has been in Cubbies for the past two years and did wonderful. She memorized her verses and amazed us greatly over the past two years She has now graduated to Sparks where Chris has moved up with her to help in her class.
Last year Katie was in Puggles, a new AWANA group for 2 year olds. I was one of the leaders in Puggles last year and grew so attached to many of the kids in there that I decided to move up with them this year to Cubbies. Now, Puggles was great, but there was not any scripture memorization for the 2 year olds. So, now that we are 3(almost 4 actually) Katie is having to memorize scripture. So, knowing what a challenge Katie is I figure that this will probably be a tough year, but I am definitely going to give it my best with her.
Last week was our first week to actually have to sit down and learn verses and this particular week required her to memorize 2 verses(shortened) and the Cubbies motto. Katie already has real issues with sitting still and focusing. So, I am already thinking that is probably going to be a very touch year for us. The first day we sit down to work on our verses and what is Katie doing while I am trying to teach her the verses, just guess? That's right, she was hanging upside down on the couch and all I can think is how this child is so different from her sister and how this year will be the death of me! I just know that my child will never learn the verses and I will look like the worst mom/leader for not teaching my child the verses!
So, maybe by now you are wondering how the week went since we are now in our second week. Well, I must say that I did keep working with her despite her constant inability to stay still and the result.....Sunday morning on the way into Sunday School, guess what Katie was doing? You got it, telling her daddy and I all her verses for that week. I was so proud. I guess that even if she does hang upside down on the couch she is still retaining something!
Katie's first day fo 3-K
Finger?? Painting
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Things they say
Today while Stephanie and Katie were playing, Chris and I hear Katie saying something to Stephanie. All of sudden Chris just busts out laughing. I didn't hear exactly what she said so I asked him. She proceeded to ask Stephanie if she wanted to 'wait until after Clark Howard is over?"
For those of you who don't know who Clark Howard is, he is a financial gooroo that comes on the radio. He also has a tv show on Saturday and Sunday from 4-5pm. Chris always watches this show.
I just had to share this because Chris and I thought it was hilarious. Oh the things they say.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Stephanie's First Day of Kindergarten
The day that I never thought would come finally arrived. I sent my oldest daughter to kindergarten on Monday. I cannot believe that time has flown by so quickly. I remember all the times people told me to savor every moment because they grow up so fast. I always thought to myself that I just couldn't wait to get to the point that they weren't under my feet all the time. Well I now understand all those words of wisdom.
Stephanie was very excited about her first day of kindergarten. We woke her up and had her fed and dressed without any issues. We had decided that we would take her to school the first day and then let her ride the bus from then on. So, the four of us piled into the car and headed off. We got there and all was well. As we were hugging and kissing her goodbye, she started to cry(I am pretty sure that this was instigated by another little girl in the class who was already crying). Anyway, I took one look at my precious baby crying and I couldn't stop the tears. I decided that it was best at that point for me to kiss her and make my exit so as to to create anymore of a scene. So, I left her tender hearted, sensitive daddy to settle her in....For those of you who know Chris, you know that he is very tender and has a very special bond with Stephanie. He remained composed despite the tears that proceeded down his cheeks. We finally made our exit and all was well until we got in the car. It was at that point that I let the tears come. All Katie could say all morning was mommy don' cry anymore.
I am happy that my little girl is growing up. It is just that all of a sudden I realized that she was no longer going to be under my watchful eye all the time. There was going to be someone else influencing her and others around her. I was no longer going to be able to steer her away from activities or conversations that I may deem inappropriate. I could no longer control what she said to others, the tone she used or whether or not she was being polite. So the lingering question was, 'Have I taught her what she needs to know up until this point?' Will she represent Christ? I know that she has not accepted Christ into her life yet, but would she remember to be a light for Jesus in the way that she knows how at this point? All of these questions ran thru my head and the only thing that I could do was to turn her over to GOd. I have always prayed for her safety and her salvation, but now I find myself lifting her up to Him many times a day. I think that yet again God is teaching me that I must do His will and teach my children His word and He will direct not only my path, but theirs as well. So, we are going on day #4 tomorrow and I believe that we will survive this difficult journey just as we have every other journey up until this point, but we must stay on our knees.
Vacation and a little education
We headed back to Amelia Island the third week of July for our annual trip. Chris and I are members of the Georgia Society of Health System Pharmacists(GSHP). They hold their annual summer meeting at Amelia Island and Chris and I have been attending since I was pregnant with Katie. The meeting is designed to be a family vacation and the programs are scheduled in such a way that it makes it very conducive to bring your families along. Because Chris and I are both pharmacists though we always bring my mom and Vicki along to care for the girls. The first few years we went were nice, but still rather challenging for mom and Vicki as the girls were little and we didn't know the plantation well enough to know exactly what we were getting into.
This year turned out to be our best year ever. Chris and I both decided to do only the bare minimum education programs we had to and just to enjoy the rest of the time with the girls and mom and Vicki. We had a resort view villa which was a short walk down a board walk to the beach. There was also a very nice pool right at the villa. We were all able to relax and just have a wonderful time.
The beach is always rather choppy so we don't generally spend a lot of time there. However, this year mom and Vicki brought kites and so we went down to fly kites for a while. Stephanie was insistent on 'jumping' the waves and so we tried to oblige her. You will see in the pictures though that the water was just way too rough. Keep in mind that they were only ankle to mid calf deep!
One day mom and Vicki took the girls on a walk along the beach and decided to come and meet Chris and I at the Beach Club Grill. The walk should have taken then no more than 30 minutes, but as it turned out it was more like 2+ hours. They went the wrong way on the beach!!! Afterwards, anytime a mention about a walk on the beach was made the girls would quickly say 'nooooooo' Chris and I had a good laugh about while the 4 of them were just rather sore.
We had a great trip and are already thinking about our next trip. This time though we remember where we stayed and we will be requesting it.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Omaha 2009
Well, I have been terrible at blogging lately, but we have been really busy. We were out of town for 3 weeks in July. The summer was terribly busy, bu in a good way. I'll try to play catch-up a little over the next few days.
The firs part of July started out with our annual vacation with the Harrisons. This was our year to fly to Nebraska. The girls were at grandma' s the beginning of the week and so we picked them up in Columbia on our way to the Charlotte airport. We flew from Charlotte to Kansas City and the flight there was relatively uneventful. Our plane in Charlotte was late taking off, which just meant that we had a very short to no lay over. We arrived on time in Kansas City and the Harrisons were there to greet us.
We stayed the night in Kansas City and enjoyed half of the next day there as well. On Friday afternoon we piled into the cars for our 2.5 hour drive to Omaha. The weather was rather cool while we were there with very cool evenings for the most part. We actually had to wear jackets on July 4th while we were outside shooting fireworks. Chris and J. were more excited about the firework shooting than the kids were, but that is not surprising. They are just kids in a grown up body anyway.
We enjoyed our visit to the fullest as usual. J. and I enjoyed some shopping and eating time together and Chris and J. enjoyed lots of time in the basement playing XBox. One night they actually played thru the night. I had to get up to go to the bathroom and realized that Chris was not in the bed. When I went down to ask them if they realized what time it was they just looked at me dumb founded. There was no clock and of course they were in the basement so they had no concept of time.
The visit was great and as always went by way too fast . There were lots of tears shed by all as we boarded the plane to come home again. Our friendships have only grown stronger over the years. The kids all get along very well and S. is very good with my girls. Katie and Talia have always bonded quickly and being the baby Katie clings to S. as well. This year Katie and Z. found time to play together and they bonded as well. We hated to leave as always, but look forward to our visit again next summer.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Pedicures with the girls
Our neighbors and friends from across the street had to move this summer. We have lived in this house for 8 years. Chris and I moved here just 2 months after we married and this family has been our neighbors ever since. L. was pregnant with her 3rd child when we moved in and several years later she and I were pregnant again at the same time. L. child A. and Stephanie became fast best friends. They couldn't stay away from each other and all four girls played together constantly. One or the other family always had at any given time 1-2 extra girls.
Back in Oct/Nov our friend lost his job and so he has been prayerfully searching for a job ever since. He finally found a job in June in MS. The inevitable was finally upon us and we were faced with the reality that they would really be moving. We tried to allow the girls to spend as much time together as possible. The had lots of sleep overs and lots of play dates.
As a final get together of sorts, we decided to take all 4 girls with us for 'pedicures' We went to Tip Toe nails in Evans and proceeded to have our toes done. The 4 girls had their toes painted and then were able to watch a DVD while L. and I had our pedicure. It was a great time and we created an unforgettable memory that day.
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