Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I have been praying lately with a friend. I usually pray at night after my kids are in bed and last night my friend had to do something else, but forgot to tell me. So, she called today to let me know that she forgot and boy did she call at a good time. I shared with her some struggles that I am going thru right now. It was not a good time to pray because my kids were running around, but she told me that she would call me back while Katie was napping. When she called, I told Stephanie that I was going into my room to pray. This set her off with the questions..."Why are you praying? What are you praying about?" I tried to explain the best I could for a four year old. (I should have just left her alone and she would never have noticed I was gone!). Anyway, I went into my closet(yes, literally the closet so that she couldn't find me). In the middle of our prayer time, I hear her come in and start calling my name. She proceded to call my name throughout the whole house and then outside. After I hung up the phone I had to be gentle with her and try to explain the situation to her. Here is how I explained it...I told her that there would be times when mommy wants to spend time with God and I want to do it with just God. Just like when she and daddy or she and mommy go out on a date. I asked her why mommy and Katie couldBulleted Listn't go with her and daddy and she said because they wanted it to be just them. I think maybe a small lightbulb came on.
  • I just hope that she understands. I don't often steal away to prayer during the day because I generally have my quiet time early in the morning or late at night. But today I realized that it is just as important sometimes for my children to see me praying, or even crying. I want them to know that we don't just pray at night or at meals, but that knowing God is about talking to him all the time, even when it doesn't quite fit into our routine.

God's word to me

Today we completed our Bible Study by Beth Moore, 'Stepping Up'. I have to say that the video today spoke more to me than any of the others. I'm not sure if it is because I wasn't as attentive the other days or the message was just aimed right at me. We've been studying the Psalms of Ascents and during the videos we have been studying about the 3 Feasts that the Israelites(pilgrims) journeyed to each year. Today we focused on what we need to do to make our pilgramage to Zion the most satisfying. Of all the times to hear this, today we focused a little on Hebrew 12:1-2 "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perserverance the race marked out for us."Heb 12:1 I think that many of us have heard this time and time again, but today we did not focus on 'the sin that so easily entangles'--this is what most of us focus on. Today, we talked about the 'everything that hinders'. Beth made a statement that 'We cannot do a thousand things to the glory of God'. Wow! What a powerful statement for me. I am struggling so much right now with the busyness of every day life. You know, all the good things we do that keep us so busy...I am sure I am not the only one in this whirlwind. I am just thankful that today God chose to speak directly to me about an issue that has been so pressing on me in this season of my life. He speaks always, but today I was listening!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Stephanie's First Carolina Game

This is Chris writing the blog. Yesterday was a special day for Stephanie as I took her to her first Carolina game vs. UAB. I promised her last year that I would take her to a game this year. I felt she was finally old enough to make it worthwhile. I have to say I was as excited as she was.
The afternoon started out interesting. As usual, our pregame meal was at Rush's off HWY 378 in Columbia. Stephanie had a JR. BBQ sandwich and I had my usual burger combo. Unfortunately, I was carrying Stephanie and the tray of food and dropped one of the milkshakes which exploded on the floor onto me, Stephanie, and a lady nearby wearing a white shirt! She was very gracious and even offered to go get someone to mop it up. I will remember this next time I get food or drink spilled on me on accident.
From there we went toward our parking spot off Bluff Road. I went the back way on purpose so that Stephanie could get a good appreciation for how big Williams-Brice Stadium was. She was amazed at the size and all of the people wearing garnet and black walking around.
As we proceeded toward the stadium, we had great timing and ran into the band. Stephanie loved hearing the band up close and was ready to go in to cheer on the Gamecocks.
I was hoping to have time to get a picture with either Cocky or the cheerleaders for Stephanie but time ran out on us. We were able to get the Gamecock painted on her face. She was adorable if I must say so myself!
The game went well. She of course had a lot of questions and tried to answer them the best I could for a 4 year old. I told her that football was based on two major principles. First, the team with the ball was trying to get where the letters are. Second, the team without the ball is trying to stop the team from doing that and going for the ball themselves.
The fans around me were great. They just loved the fact that it was her first game and she was so into it. Cotton candy and water help! She was great and very well behaved. I left in the 4th quarter mainly to beat traffic and get back in a reasonable time because sunday school/church were in the morning. She was upset and said "Daddy-the game isn't even over yet". Diehard gamecock fans would be proud. Especially her daddy.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Chris and I went to see the movie 'Fireproof' tonight. It was again a great movie just like Facing the Giants. It was a down to earth movie that spoke about real issues that we deal with in marriage. For those of you who don't know, it was produced by a church out of Albany, GA and is the same church that did 'Facing the Giants'. The actors did an excellent job and the script was right on target for what today's culture needs to hear. I am short on words to really describe the movie without giving it away. I do want to encourage everyone to go and see it. Regardless of whether you are married or not, we need to support this movie. Our families are suffering greatly in this day and age. We need to let the world know that we still believe that the design of marriage set up by God is not to be taken lightly. I pray that many will enter this movie just because it looks like a good movie, but will leave with a changed view and most importantly a changed life. Please, please support this movie!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Little Annette

Children sometimes have a way of making us aware of exactly what we say and do. For a lack of a better statement, they say and do exactly as we say and do. I often find myself listening to a 'tape recorder' and hearing verbatim what I know that I have said myself. The latest is this..."Katie, I can't hear you. You are mumbling" or "You have to speak up" This was the conversation that went on in the car tonight on the way home from church. It is so funny to listen to her say it back(although I do have to get on to her for trying to be the parent), but it definitely isn't funny when I am having to say it myself.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Birthday Girl

This was the birthday girl's picture that I took on her birthday. I have really struggled with this birthday. Something about turning 3 just means that you are no longer a baby anymore. I have often asked Katie to 'stay just the way she is' She tells me that she will, but when she turned 3 I asked her about is and she just told me that she had to turn 3, but she would still stay the way she is. I just love this age and I hate to see it pass so quickly. But, I know that I am not the only one that feels this way. I love you Katie Bug!

Katie's party

We had Katie's party on Saturday and I think that everyone had a good time. Since this was a 3rd birthday party, many of her friends had never been to a birthday pary so this was a first. We had some that clung to their mommies, but all in all everyone particpated and had a great time. Katie's most favorite present was a package of Dora panties. She opened them and took off running. I assumed that she was going to change into them, but instead she headed straight upstairs to put them in her drawer. She left all the rest of the presents and all of her friends right there in the floor. I guess she figured it was her party so we would all wait on her. She was right. Katie was joined on the table by L.C. as we all sang Happy Birthday to her. Just as it was time to blow out the candles, L.C. did it for her. It was funny for all of us, but not so for Katie. I was exhausted after the party, but everyone said that they thought it went really well. I sure hope so because I felt like it was just chaotic. But what's not chaotic about a birthday party, especially for a 3 year old.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Build A Bear

We took the girls to Build A Bear on Thursday night. This was part of Katie's birthday present, but we had to go early because our coupons were only good until today. We let Stephanie get a new bear too. Katie did much better this time than last year. She really got into it and I think that both of the girls are really attached to their new critters. I say critters because Katie's is actually a cat and not a bear. As for their names... Well, Stephanie named them last year. Katie's was named Kaylee and Stephanie's was named Emily. So this year it was Stephanie's idea to just swop names. So we now have 2 Emilys and 2 Kaylees. We are so original. The girls have slept with them every night and I am so glad that Katie likes hers this time because last year she never did really like hers. I guess it was just a little much for her at 2.

Rubbing their hears to give them lots of love

Giving them Baths

Dressing them

Proud as can be!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Forward Roll

Here's the pictures of the forward rolls that Stephanie taught Katie how to do. I thought I got some pretty good action shots!! I guess I didn't do too good actually getting them going forward though. Sometimes I really hate that digital camera delay!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Stephanie started gymnastics yesterday. She is taking a 7 week course at the Y. I wanted her to try and see if she liked it and then let her choose between gymnastics and ballet. I'll put her in some place close to us once we know what she will take. She did really well yesterday and enjoyed it. Her teacher wanted to know if she had ever taken before and said that she could probably move up to the next class. I'll keep her where she is for now since we are just trying it and this class is the best time for us. I was very proud of her though. I'll post pictures later of her doing her 'forward flips' and showing Katie how to do it. Katie was very upset when she realized that she couldn't stay at gymnastics too. She had already taken her shoes off like the rest of the kids and was ready to stay. I felt so bad. She cried for 5+ minutes. It is so tough being the little one.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A day at the park

We went to Brookfield Park today with M. from church. Our first stop was her house. The girls had asked in the car if we were going to get to go into her house. I had told them no that we were just going to meet her there and then she was going to follow us to the park. Well, M. immediately asked them if they wanted to come in and see her 'nest' The didn't know what that meant, but they were very happy to go in her house. M. gave us the grand tour and then the girls were satisfied and ready to go to the park after convincing Mrs. M. that she needed to change from her tennis shoes into flip flops. We arrived at the park and I was very happy to see that the water fountain was working since the last time we went it was broken. The girls said that water was cold, but that didn't stop them. They ran around and had a ball and then Katie had to have her usual fall. She fell right on the concrete and scraped up her cheek. She cried briefly and then was fine. We went to the swing and the girls were happy to be able to swing. Steffie can now swing completely by herself and Katie was happy to have M. push her. We ended our day at the park with picnic lunch and then said goodbye to Mrs. M.

Making the Aiken Rounds

We went to Aiken on Monday and met grandad and Uncle J. for lunch. After leaving our 2 hour lunch at Ryans(the girls were excellent) we headed off to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. We hadn't seen them since Chris's mom died last year. They hadn't seen the girls since Katie was just a few months old. We had a great visit with them. The girls and Mrs. J were fast friends and before I knew it they were at the table doing 'crafts'. Before we left, Mr. J. commenced the visit by restling and playing with the girls. We all had a blast and vowed that we needed to visit again soon. After leaving there we headed over to D. & T's to see their new house(not so new now, but I hadn't ever been there). The girls were good there too, but we were all getting tired. Chris reminisced with Pumpkin Head(a nickname for a friend from high school) while the rest of us just sat around and beared with the conversation. The conversation was rather one sided as Pumpkin Head and can talk with the best of them. D. and Chris never really did get to talk because Pumpkin Head was so long winded. We finally left Aiken around 7:45 and headed home. It was chicken nuggets in the car for the girls and then off to bed. I tried to put in a slide show. Let's hope it worked.