Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

We have just commenced the Trick or Treat adventure for this year and have successfully put the children to bed. Now the candy is all ours!!!! We had a great time. The girls were Raggedy Anne and Andy thanks to grandma's sowing. Thanks grandma. They were a hit. They got lots of compliments and we heard many times that they were the cutest of the night. We thought so, but they're just our kids. The Wizard of Oz clan, otherwise know as the M. Family, joined us yet again for this year's trick or treating. It is always great to have an older one around to help steer the children the right way. Katie fell so many times in her quest for candy that I lost count. She kept right on going. We've decided that next year we will have to come up with a theme for all three of them. (this is the third year we've done this with the M.s minus the mister since he has been unable to join us until this year.) Ms. K. and J. joined us again this year as well. Everyone had a blast, but we did freeze our little tooshies off this year....

1 comment:

Momma 2...5 said...

They are all so cute! Looks like you guys had fun!