Friday, October 10, 2008

My Never Bothered/never phased Katie

I went away for the weekend this past weekend and while I was gone Katie and Chris had the stomach bug. Katie started it and so in an attempt to keep Stephanie from getting sick, Chris wouldn't allow them to sleep together(a reasonable request in my opinion) Anyway, upon putting them to bed Chris left, but not really...he was listening outside their room. Here is how the conversation went... 'Stephanie, will you sleep with me?' No Katie because daddy said I coudln't. Stephanie, please will you sleep with me? Okay.' As Stephanie climbs in the bed and gets comfortable, Katie discovers that daddy is watching and says, 'Stephanie, look who is looking at us'. ... This is so Katie. Never phased, bothered or otherwise upset. She just goes with the flow and doesn't seem to be too concerned with whatever comes her way....Even a spanking!!!! Kids are so different.

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