Saturday, March 28, 2009

New carpet Finally

I know that I have been just terrible about the whole blogging thing. I am addicted to facebook and just never seem to have time to blog. I guess if I didn't feel like I should post pictures all the time then I could blog more. Posting the pictures is what takes so long. Anyway, I thought I would give a run down of what we are currently doing in our house. We, actually I, am in project mode again. Chris and I are finally going to be able to put some new carpet/flooring in our house. We are having the master bedroom, living room, and stairs recarpeted. The carpet goes in the Monday after spring break. Yeah! We are also putting laminate(same as in the kitchen) in the dining room. So, all this means that I am painting!. I am currently working on the living room. I have one coat on 3 of the walls and hope to finish the second coat and work on the 4th wall. It is behind the entertainment center so we have to tackle moving that first! We will eventually have all the main walls in the house repainted, foyer, stairs, hall etc. The question that remains is will I do it or will we end up paying someone? I will attempt it and we'll see where we go from there. I have to have Chris home for the most part because I'll need to get on the extension ladder. We'll see what happens. It may take me a year to finish. Who knows? Well, that is what I am up to. I am hoping to get me house back in some sort of order this weekend. I really want to go outside and work in the yard, but given the current weather situation, I guess I'll be in the house painting(which I need to be anyway) and not having to feel guilty about not being outside tackling the major spring yard clean-up!

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