Sunday, August 17, 2008

Awana Update

Tonight was our first night of AWANA. I am helping in Puggles this year, the 2 year old class. So I am with Katie. We had 13 kids tonight. I am currently the only leader and then we have 2 Puggles directors. They have the 2 year old nursery volunteers in there to help, but we still need leaders. I heard that there were 50 Cubbies tonight and only 5 leaders. That's a lot of kids! Please pray that God will place a burden upon the hearts of his people to step forward and take part in the work of his kingdom. Tonight was a crazy night with games and just registration. For the first night in Puggles I think we did real well. All 13 of the 2 years old sat still and paid attention during story time. Amazing!!! All in all the night was good, I think, for the first night.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Sounds like tonight went great! I was helping Tracy (new Cubbies Director) in Cubbies tonight to get started and there were a ton of kids! I am not doing AWANA this year (I'll sub when a leader is out). I've done it for 5 years and James has done it since it started at church. We know Ryland will be in Puggles next year (YIKES) and we want a year off b/c we'll definitely be involved with him from next year on... Plus, I maybe helping on Wednesday nights if they have kids choir. I do pray that people will see the need and pitch in and help. There are so many leaders that are leaders in other areas and it's so easy to get burnt out. In a church our size, there is definitely enough help to go around...ok, I'll get off my soapbox now. hehe All that to say I'm glad it went well tonight! Thank you for your service.