Thursday, August 28, 2008

We're making progress

I have really made a concerted effort over the last 2 months to make sure that we are eating more meals at home and less out to eat. I have also really been trying to cook decent meals instead of sandwiches etc. I have done a pretty good job and am even cooking for myself and the girls when Chris isn't home for dinner. I have noticed that the girls are becoming increasingly easier to eat dinner with. They don't complain nearly as much about the food and then don't take as long to eat. I have steadily been increasing their proportion size because I have noticed that they will not eat seconds when offered, but will eat it if it is already on their plate. Well, tonight we had a record breaker. I made this concoction tonight with squash, zucchini, noodles and spaghetti sauce. The girls ate every bite of their very decent size proportion. There was not whining or complaining and I didn't hear one word about how they didn't like squash and zucchini. As a matter of fact, they both exclaimed that they love squash and zucchini. I am not quite sure that they 'love' it, but we are certainly making progress and I don't feel like I am cooking just for it to be wasted by my two munchkins.

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