Monday, August 11, 2008

Good Friends

We went to the the Q's house for dinner on Saturday night and had a wonderful time. The girls were so excited to see K. and Mr. B. When we got there Katie was legs and arms were just a jumping with all her excitement. It was great to see them so excited about the visit. It was just a little over 2 years ago with this family made an unexpected appearance into our lives. S. started babysitting for us in May 2006 while we were in transition trying to find a new permanent sitter. Her mom, K, became our permanent sitter in August of that year until the following May. S. and K. have been such a blessing to our girls and the girls quickly grew attached to them as they to the girls. An amazing bond developed for all involved including Mr. B. and J(the dad and son of the family). Even after S. left for college and K. decided to go to college, we have kept in touch and try to see and talk to them as often as we can. S. still babysits some when she is home and as much as she can in the summers. The girls love it when J., who is 11, comes to play too. We had a wonderful evening talking and laughing together. The girls played hide and go seek with J. while the rest of us just talked. We can't begin to thank God enough for this wonderful family. They have blessed us in more ways than they will ever know and we are so thankful to have them as a part of our lives.

Stephanie & S.

Katie & S. playing the tickle game.

Katie, Mrs. K. & Stephanie

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