Tuesday, August 26, 2008


When I went up to tun the lights out last night after the girls 'quiet time' Katie was a little fussy and started to cry. I told them goodnight and went on back downstairs. I was hoping that she would just stop and go on to sleep. I knew she was tired because she hadn't fallen asleep until 4 pm for her nap and then I woke her up at 4:30. I assumed that she had indeed fallen asleep because I didn't hear anything else out of her. When Chris got home last night he went upstairs to kiss the girls goodnight and this is what her found. I guess Katie had started crying and so Stephanie asked her if she wanted her to sleep with her. Obviously this is what Katie wanted. There have been several occassions that they have mentioned something in the morning that made me think that they had slept together or at least been in each other's bed at some point. I always brushed it off, but I guess now I know. I thought it was so sweet that Stephanie would comfort Katie like this. She got kuddos for this this morning.

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